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  • ITAS Future Forum

ITAS Future Forum - The Automotive Region Southwest Saxony 2035

How should the automotive region of Southwest Saxony look like and change in order to remain livable, economically successful, sustainable and fair for future generations? These and many other questions were posed, discussed, discarded, rephrased and, if possible, answered at the ITAS Future Forum on May 16, 2023.

In the first ITAS Future Forum, 50 participants from all districts of the region, representing various companies and organizations, from the fileds of business, science, administration and civil society came together to developed, create, argue, debate and even laugh together. The joy of thinking about the future and taking action was palpable thorughout this very intense day.

These initial impulses and thoughts shaped the start of the developement of a vision and strategy:

🤝 learning together: Business and academia, employers and employees, should collectively learn from the challenges of the ongoing transformation. Learning through mutual exchange leads to more acceptable solutions.

👁️ recognizing each other: Entrepreneurs and employees should perceive each other’s strengths and needs. Entrepreneurs carry the risk and responsibility and must calculate how future success can be achieved. Employees are the indispensable backbone of all these activities and should be seen as supporters in their involvement.

🙋🙋‍♂️ Bridging the generations together: Generations must reconnect in discourse. The arguments of the younger generations must be heard and taken seriously as it is their future that we, as predominantly older individuals, are deciding upon today. The demographic minority status of young people at present must be compensated by granting them more opportunities for shaping the future.

Here are some statistical facts from the context of the Future Forum:

  • The average age in the room was 44.2 years (Saxony: 46.9 years). The tendency supports the term “Future Forum” 😉
  • The question of personal resilience to crises, upheavals, and changes was rated on a scale of 1-10 with an average of 7.1. The strength is present, but there is room for improvement.

The next step on the journey will be the ITAS Congress on June 8th in Chemnitz. Registration will be available on the ITAS website starting Friday, May 19 at 12:00 p.m.

For further information, please visit our AMZ website about the ITAS project.


Source Image + Text: ITAS – Initiative Transformation Automotive Region Southwest Saxony


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Andreas Wächtler

Andreas Wächtler

Network Manager

Phone: +49 172 8380067