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Japanese Automotive Industry

As in Germany, automobile production and the automotive supply industry are among the most important branches of industry in Japan. Here, too, the automotive industry is currently undergoing a transformation. The focus in Japan is on new drives, automated driving, but also the aging population and a high cost structure. The current goals of the Japanese automotive industry are therefore, in addition to the introduction of alternative drives, above all greater efficiency in production, standardization, digitization and greater automation of production.

Most Japanese OEMs have defined an increasing proportion of electric vehicles in their strategy. Toyota also plans to expand its production of fuel cell vehicles. Electrified drives, new battery technologies, the use of fuel cell technology and automated driving will therefore determine automotive development in Japan over the next few years.

In addition, investments in production conversion are to be expected from the suppliers located there. Based on the experience of the corona pandemic, the supply chains will also be adjusted and various components will be returned to domestic production in Japan.

Both the Japanese OEMs and the Japanese suppliers are currently increasingly looking for technology partners in Europe, as the same issues are being dealt with here.

Overview of the Japanese OEM locations


AMZ actively supports members in accessing the Japanese market

  • Provision of information on the Japanese automotive industry and in particular on the structure of Japanese OEMs and the multi-layered OEM supplier network.
  • Initialization of research and development projects with Japanese companies or research institutions as well as support in the acquisition of funding
  • Establishing contact with Japanese OEM for product development and purchasing as well as in the field of engineering-technical services
  • Search for cooperation partners, e.g. for on-site production, license production, engineering or “on-site” support for tools and systems technology installed in Japan
  • Support with settlement projects in Japan
    Establishing contacts with important local partners, searching for a location and operational implementation, including approvals and interim management
  • Organization and accompaniment of trips to Japan to address customers personally and to present your own services and products

AMZ partner on site

AMZ contact person in Japan is Manfred Glotzbach. When setting up the EDAG location in Japan, he gained his own experience in the Japanese automotive industry and today supports AMZ members in addressing the market and attracting customers in Japan. 45 German-Japanese projects have been implemented to date. There are close contacts with the Japanese automotive industry.


Your contact

Manfred Glotzbach

Contact Person Japan


More on the subject Japan