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3. February 2022 | Events

Establishing business relationships in Poland - B2B meeting with Polish automotive cluster

Are you already active in Poland or would you like to establish business relationships in Poland? Are you looking for suppliers or customers in the region or do you have to relocate production?

We invite you to a B2B meeting with suppliers of the Polish Automotive Cluster. Find out more about the region, production focus, local automotive companies and the general conditions for business activities. You may already come into contact with participating companies from Poland.

The AMZ network signed a cooperation agreement with the Polish automotive cluster Silesia Automotive in autumn 2021 (to the article). The aim is to promote cooperation between medium-sized automotive suppliers in both regions. The focus is on the possibilities of cost-effective production, the development of products and processes for the automotive industry, but also topics relating to the digitization of production. As part of the transformation of the automotive industry, the exchange between the suppliers is necessary.

In a B2B meeting with suppliers from both regions, we now want to take the first steps together.


Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing (SA&AM) is a cluster initiative in the Katowice Special Economic Zone. Companies such as Opel Manufacturing and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles are based here, as are many manufacturers of components for the automotive industry. The SA & AM network has been around for over 9 years and it currently unites more than 100 automotive suppliers. Through its activities, the network supports the development of competencies in companies and their employees and creates favorable framework conditions for the development and creation of new automotive investments.

More about the Polish automotive cluster at


  • Welcome
    Dirk Vogel, network manager AMZ Sachsen
    Luk Palmen, Network Manager Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing Cluster
  • Presentation of the Automotive Region Silesia and the cluster
    Companies in the network, focus of production, framework conditions in Poland
  • Presentation of the Saxon automotive region
    Companies in the network, focus on production, research and development
  • Brief introduction of the participants
    If you are interested, we will organize B2B meetings in separate virtual rooms immediately afterwards

Date and place

3. February 2022 , 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., online via Microsoft Teams


Participation is free of charge.


    Hiermit melde ich mich zum "B2B-Treffen Polen" am 3. Februar an.

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    Your contact

    Dirk Vogel

    Dirk Vogel

    Network Manager

    Phone: +49 351 8322 365