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7. September 2023 | Events

DiSerHub Workshop: CO2 neutral factory - possibilities of digital support and experiences

Which digital methods can be used, how can they be integrated into the organization and which reporting can be set up?

In this workshop, we cordially invite you to exchange ideas on the possible ways, means and methods around the topic of CO2 neutrality!

Partner of this workshop is DiSerHub: The first nationwide transformation hub that rethinks digital business models in the dimensions of production, distribution, use and recycling!

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Date and Location

07. September 2023, 01:00 p.m. – ca. 05:00 p.m.

ESKA Automotive GmbH (Lutherstraße 87, 09126 Chemnitz)


Katrin Wutzler, Executive Vice President, ESKA Automotive

Max Jankowsky, CEO, Gießerei Lößnitz

Silvio Peschke, CEO, Benseler Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG

Martin Schuler TUCed - DiSerHub CO2

Martin Schuler, Dipl.-Ing. (BA) for Information Technology.

Several years of experience as a software engineer in the field of control development, Industry 4.0 innovation and process automation.
Main focus: IT technologies and methods, business process optimization, experience in project management, including SCRUM methodology.


Mark Richter FraunhoferMark Richter has been working on the topic of energy-efficient production at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU since 2009 and has extensive experience in the field of energy efficiency, energy flexibilization and the defossilization of industrial production. He currently heads the business unit “Climate-neutral factory operation” and is also head of the working group “Energy-efficient production” of the Saxon energy cluster “Energy Saxony” and an active member of the VDE.

Sandro Jensch_AlltrotecSandro Jensch is head of sales at alltrotec GmbH. He has been advising medium-sized manufacturing companies on the vertical digitization of their business processes for more than 15 years.



Jonas Höne_DiSerHub TIQJonas Höne is a Business Development Consultant at TIQ Solutions. With several years of experience in digitization and practical application of BI solutions in the automotive industry, he helps companies access their data and gain valuable insights from it.





1:00 pm | Start: Arrival and exchange of ideas

1:30 pm | Welcome and insight into the topic of sustainability at ESKA / Massive forming

  • Dirk Vogel, Network Manager, AMZ Saxony
  • Katrin Wutzler, Executive Vice President, ESKA Automotive

1:50 pm | Problems of CO2 pricing from a supplier’s point of view and measures to be taken

  • Max Jankovsky, Managing Director, Foundry Lößnitz

2:10 pm | Shaping the automotive industry sustainably together: Presentation DiSerHub

  • Martin Schuler, Project Manager, TUCed Chemnitz

2:30 | Status quo: What is already possible today

  • Mark Richter, Business Unit Manager >> Climate Neutral Factory Operation<<, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU

2:50 pm | Sustainability activities / OEM requirements / 1st tier

  • Silvio Peschke, Managing Director, Benseler Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG

3:10 pm | Coffee break

3:30 pm | CO2-balancing IT-supported

  • Sandro Jensch, Sales Manager, Alltrotec GmbH
  • Jonas Höne, Business Development Consultant, TIQ Solutions

3:40 pm | Fishbowl Discussion: How sustainability can complement the business model

  • Buy CO2 neutral, buy free by purchasing green electricity
  • Buy / sell certificates

Are you interested in this and following DiSerHub workshops?

Unfortunately, this event is already fully booked. You are welcome to sign up for the waiting list in the contact form below or already pre-register for one of the follow-up workshops without obligation.

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    Susanne Schneider

    Marketing / Public Relations

    Phone: +49 172 8380069